UNICC contributes to representation efforts to inspire girls and teenagers to pursue a career in STEM
UNICC is committed to bringing gender parity, diversity and inclusiveness into the digital business field. Representation and role models are crucial to reduce stereotypes of underrepresented groups; children need to see people with whom they can personally relate to envision themselves in similar paths.
In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, UNICC was invited by the United Nations Information and Communication Technology Facility (UNICTF) to participate in a ‘Women in STEM’ event to encourage more girls and young women to pursue a career in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
During this event, celebrated on 8 March, UNICC women together with colleagues from other UN Agencies including UNICEF, UNICTF and the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) gave talks in several high-schools in Valencia, Spain, home to UNICC’s largest office and the organization’s Digital and Cyber Centres of Excellence.
The experience was awesome! The 15 and 16-year-old students were very interested in learning more about our careers and asked a lot of questions.
Matilde Gil, Network Infrastructure Architect, UNICC

Participants shared with students how it is to be a woman in the field of STEM, what their daily jobs consists of and what career path they followed, raising awareness about different opportunities in technology. Students were able to interact with these technologists and some even envisioned themselves following a career in STEM they had never considered before.