El CICENU es el principal socio estratégico para servicios digitales del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Proporciona soluciones institucionales digitales de alto valor, ágiles, eficaces en función de los costos y compatibles con la auditoría de las Naciones Unidas. El CICENU es altamente competitiva en el mercado tecnológico actual, ya que crea sinergias con los asociados de la industria y con sus clientes y organizaciones asociadas.

Cómo creamos valor

El CICENU crea valor gracias a:

Apoyos clave de las Naciones Unidas

Lea los extractos de la Dependencia Común de Inspección (informes de la DCI con recomendaciones para que los organismos de las Naciones Unidas consideren la posibilidad de trabajar con el CICENU para sus soluciones de ciberseguridad y computación en la nube).


Being at UNICC really taught me how everyone is so collaborative, very open-minded, and just really driven to work together. And I learned, especially within the IT field, that nothing is separate from each other; everything is integrated.

Samantha Berenzon

Break Through Tech Intern

We are truly grateful for the UNICC team’s tremendous energy and appreciate the relationship we have established during the project, with easy, reliable and practical communications. We are impressed by the course and are excited to start testing the training!

Kate Myounghee Kim

Business and Solution Analyst, Green Climate Fund

I am so pleased with UNICC because they are not only offering application hosting as we traditionally received from other service providers within and outside of the UN, but they are offering management and consolidation services, and they were really looking for ways to optimize our architecture and reduce our costs.

Kaan Cetinturk

CIO & Director of Information Management and Technology, UNRWA

UNICC provides added value with their expertise in planning, building, training and testing our information security and our business continuity planning efforts. These services ensure that we identify any continuity, resiliency or security gaps in our business-critical systems and mitigate them appropriately.

Rajiv Prabhakar

Head of Information Systems, UNJSPF

Partnership is the art of understanding shared value. In WFP we have a number of partnerships, not many, but the ones that we have are deep, are sustained, are long-term. And definitely UNICC is one of them.

Enrica Porcari

Chief Information Officer and Director Technology Division, WFP

Without your support, we would not have managed to achieve such a successful outcome. We have been particularly impressed by UNICC’s demosntrated responsiveness to our need for an independent auditor within a very short timeframe and your kind personal prioritizing of fielding a highly capable engagement team.

Martin Chungong

Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union

My objective at UNHCR is to be more efficient with the funds we receive from donors. Technology and partnerships play a large in making the dollars go further. We have to partner across Agencies, leveraging and building on institutions like UNICC.

Hans Baritt

Controller, Director Division of Financial and Administrative Management, UNHCR

UNFPA has achieved cost savings, optimisation of infrastructure resources and a general peace of mind with the trusted services of UNICC. Our GCP platform services were previously lacking integration, proper oversight and the skilled operational support that UNICC continues to provide.

Luca Baldini

Chief Information Officer, UNFPA

The partnership with UNICC in the development and deployment of the EWER platforms in Côte d’Ivoire has been a successful first that has been praised for its utility by all national stakeholders involved in the electoral process. Having proved their worth in Ivory Coast, the EWER platforms will now be an important asset to be deployed in electoral projects worldwide.


UNDP Electoral Team

Being at UNICC really taught me how everyone is so collaborative, very open-minded, and just really driven to work together. And I learned, especially within the IT field, that nothing is separate from each other; everything is integrated.

Samantha Berenzon

Break Through Tech Intern

We are truly grateful for the UNICC team’s tremendous energy and appreciate the relationship we have established during the project, with easy, reliable and practical communications. We are impressed by the course and are excited to start testing the training!

Kate Myounghee Kim

Business and Solution Analyst, Green Climate Fund

Hacemos posible la visión de la familia de las Naciones Unidas

Fuimos creados por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas como la organización de servicios informáticos compartidos de la Organización. Permitimos a nuestros clientes y organizaciones asociadas innovar y alcanzar sus objetivos. Imaginamos y posibilitamos sus procesos de transformación digital.

Ofrecemos soluciones compartidas y escalables

Prestamos servicios fiables y ofrecemos economías de escala a la familia de las Naciones Unidas y a otras organizaciones internacionales. Observamos una creciente demanda de servicios compartidos, con ahorros de costos y mejoras de eficiencia gracias a las iniciativas digitales de nuestros Clientes.

Ofrecemos un modelo de recuperación de costos

El CICENU es una entidad sin fines de lucro. Sus tarifas son transparentes y están basadas en servicios y soluciones empresariales digitales. El excedente de cualquier proyecto se reembolsa al término de este. Al término de cada bienio nuestra cuenta de resultados muestra un saldo nulo.
